Slate Veneer FAQ’s

As Slate Veneer is a relatively new natural stone format this post is dedicated to answering the basics in the regards to these materials.

The material:

Q: Is the top surface completely natural and does the pattern repeat?

A: The top surface is completely natural just like traditional stone and slate tiles. The pattern will repeat if it repeats in the block of slate the sheets are processed from.

Q: What is on the back of the slate to make this format possible?

A: On the back of the slate is a special mix of fibre glass and polyester resins which enable our product to be strong, thin, flexible and light weight.

Q: Is Slate veneer ok to use as flooring and wall covering?

A: Our Slate veneer

sheets can be used for any internal wall application. For internal flooring it has a PE2 rating which means they are suitable for bathroom floors and general low to medium usage residential living areas. They are not suitable for heavy usage floor areas.

Q: Can Slate veneer be used in a shower enclosure or wet room?

A: It can be used in wet rooms and shower enclosure, but it is important to tank the room before fixing the Slate veneer sheets to ensure the area is water proofed.

Q: Is the Slate veneer fire retardant and can the material be used as a fire place or cladding around an AGA?

A: It is fire resistant up to 120 degrees. It is also possible to make the veneer fire retardant to European standards Cd0s3 at an additional cost. It can be used near an AGA and as part of a fire place but not directly under a log burning stove.

Using the material:

Q: How easy is Slate veneer to install?

A: Our slate veneer can be installed by any kind of contractor, joiner or decorator or a keen DIY enthusiast. It does not require any specialist masonry adhesive, tools or knowledge to work with Slate veneer.

Q: Does the material require sealing?

A: The top surface does require sealing just like traditional slate tiles. Only use a water based sealant with slate veneer, never solvent based.

Q: What can I use to cut Slate Veneer?

A: A normal tile saw or wet blade on an angle grinder is sufficient for making cuts in the sheets for an installation.

Q: What adhesive should I use for Slate Veneer?

A: This depends on what type of surface your fixing to. If your fixing to wood you can use a polymer wood adhesive such as Soudal PU. If you are fixing onto existing tiles or plaster then use a cement based standard set flexible tile adhesive.

Q: How do I joint the slate veneer sheets?

A: It is possible to both joint the sheets close together like wall paper and grout joints for a traditional tile effect.

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